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Forbidden Ballad - Rock My World Page 5

  “You what?” she screeches.

  I sink onto the couch and bury my head in my hands. “Quinn, I don’t know what I’m doing in New York. Everything is all wrong. I’m not myself. I’m not acting right. I’m dressing different, and singing rock music, and now I’m kissing the lead singer of Cobalt.”

  I can tell Quinn wants to say something comforting, but instead she stops and closes her mouth. She opens it again. “How was it?” she asks quietly.

  “It was amazing!” I cry, burying my head in my hands. I suddenly can’t sit still and I jump up and start pacing across Quinn’s tiny living room.

  “Who am I? Everything’s changing too fast! How could I have let myself get caught up with Leo?”

  “Well, it was just a kiss,” Quinn says carefully.

  “Right, just a kiss. Which I was more than willing to continue all the way to his bedroom until I got a glimpse of us in his hallway mirror!”

  “Carly, who wouldn’t get caught up in that? Leo Nash is one of the sexiest men on this planet. And you’re not a slut from just an innocent little kiss. How many women do you think could have turned him down?”

  “Not making me feel any better! So, I’m just another whore of Leo’s?”

  “No! That’s now that I meant at all! I just meant that any normal woman could get caught up in a moment like that. Don’t beat yourself up! Just put it behind you and move on.” She gives me an impish grin. “And hey, it makes a great story.”

  I laugh. A little. Maybe I was overreacting.

  “You’re right. I think I’m just going to bed and forget that it ever happened.”

  “Good idea. And just for the record, you look smokin’ hot in your new clothes. They suit you way better than your old ones.”

  I give her a small smile and head back to the guest room.


  I stare stupidly at the elevator even after Carly has gone.

  What the hell just happened?

  Things are going great one second, and she’s wrapped all over me, and the next second she’s running.

  “Fuck!” I yell, slamming my fist against the wall.

  I don’t know what it is about Carly, but something about her makes me drawn to her. And I sure as hell don’t have any business getting involved with another backup singer. I’m losing my fucking mind.

  Ever since Maddox and Kyle talked last night about her leaving Nashville, I hadn’t been able to get her out of my mind. And then, like a vision, she appeared on the streets today while I was heading to my therapist.

  She’s mysterious, and hot as hell.

  And way too good for me. I should stop now while I’m ahead.

  I stalk back into the living room and down the rest of my wine. I’m more of a hard liquor person, but I didn’t mind drinking the wine with Carly.

  I grab my empty glass and Carly’s nearly full glass, and head back into the kitchen where I dump them in the sink.

  I feel like a caged animal, and I pace around until I feel like I’m going to crawl out of my skin. I can’t remember any woman having this kind of effect on me, and I’m pissed off that Carly’s making me feel this way, and even angrier that she left so suddenly.

  Not thinking, I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial the number I’ve sworn I wouldn’t call.

  Skyler answers on the first ring.

  “What the hell?” she growls into the phone. “It’s late and you shouldn’t be calling me.”

  “I want to know why you’re doing this to me,” I spit, “That baby could be anyone’s.”

  I hear her sharp intake of breath. “Fuck you, Leo! You think that you’re some kind of god because you’re the lead singer of Cobalt? I wasn’t one of your groupie whores! I know this baby is yours because you were the only asshole I was sleeping with!”

  “And what? What if it is? What do you want?”

  “What do you mean what do I want? I want support, damn it! It’s not like I went and got knocked up by myself!”

  “Get rid of it,” I snarl. “I’m not interested in taking care of a kid. My career comes first.”

  There’s a long silence on the other end. “You’re a pig,” she whispers. “Don’t worry, Leo, I wouldn’t want you in the baby’s life anyway. You’re far from father material. But don’t doubt for a second that I’m not going to ask for financial support.”

  I gnash my teeth together angrily. “So, I guess that means that you’re not getting rid of it?”

  “I don’t know what I’m doing yet!” she yells into the phone.

  “So, you just want money? Is that it?”

  “You have more than enough to help support your own child! This conversation is over!”

  Blood pounds in my ears. “It’s not over!”

  “I’ll let this call slide, Leo, but if you call me again, I’m taking it to my lawyer. Get the fucking paternity test next week.”

  And then she hangs up.

  “Bitch!” I yell into the phone, even though she’s gone. I’m disgusted with Skyler and I’m disgusted with myself. I kick the wall hard and storm upstairs to my bedroom.

  I pull out my guitar and begin writing. I’m not sure how long I work on music, but at some point, I start to nod off, and I lay my guitar on the ground before switching out the light and falling asleep.


  I’m still on edge the next morning, and the feeling lasts all day. Part of me wants to see Carly at rehearsal, but she’s wounded my pride so I decide to keep my distance.

  Which turns out to be easy because Carly completely avoids me.

  I stew even more because Carly is avoiding me and because I’m still angry from my fight with Skyler.

  “What’s with you?” Jacie asks on our break.

  I shrug and busy myself with my phone, but she doesn’t buy it.

  “Hey, Leo. I’m talking to you,” she insists and this time I look at her.

  “It’s been a bad twenty-fours hours, alright? Some shit went down with Carly and then I got into a fight with Skyler.”

  I’m not sure which surprises Jacie more.

  “What the hell were you doing with Carly?” she asks and there is an edge to her tone.

  “First of all, she’s not gay, so back the fuck off,” I snap. Jacie’s face twists into hurt and I instantly feel like shit.

  “Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “Yes, you did. Fuck you, Leo. Just because you’re in a foul mood, doesn’t mean you need to bring everyone else down around you.”


  But she stalks off before I can say anymore.

  “Having a tough time with the ladies, huh?” Kyle asks, smirking at me over the keyboards.

  “Yeah, but at least I’m getting action. Can you say the same?” I fire back.

  Kyle snickers. “I actually got a sweet piece last night,” he says smugly.

  This gets my attention.


  “My neighbor.”

  “The hot Asian chick?”

  Kyle smiles proudly.

  I roll my eyes and walk towards the elevators. I need a smoke.

  Carly intercepts me just before I leave the room.

  “Hey,” she says softly. She looks hot, dressed in tight jeans and low-cut shirt, with her hair wild down her back. I feel my dick twitch in my pants, which only makes me angrier.

  Carly is nothing but a cock tease.

  “Oh, you’re talking to me, now?” I ask scathingly. It might be a bit much, but it’s been a lousy, fucking day.

  Carly’s face, which had been open and unguarded, suddenly twists into anger.

  “You know what? I don’t need this crap! I was coming over to apologize, but if you’re going to be immature, forget it.” She turns to walk away.

  “Yeah, well maybe think about that next time before you leave me with blue balls.”

  She slowly turns back around.

  “Excuse me?”

  Shit. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that.
But I’m not backing down now.

  “You heard me,” I say, sounding like a five year old. Christ.

  Carly steps close to me so that her beautiful face is only a mere few inches of mine. I can smell the enticing scent of coconut shampoo.

  “You don’t know a damn thing about me,” she says in nearly a whisper. “But let me fill you in one detail. I would have never, ever slept with you last night.”

  I go to make a smart-ass remark but she cuts me off.

  “And it’s not because I’m not attracted to you, because I am. I’ll admit it. But I have standards. And I don’t care if you’re the biggest rock star on the planet; I’m not the kind of girl who jumps right into bed with a guy, no matter how famous he is. So it’s better we end this strange, twisted attraction between us now because I’m not some whore who is going to swoon all over you and drop my panties because you’re Leo Nash.”

  Oh, fuck. She’s even hotter when she’s angry.

  I should apologize. I’m being a complete dick.

  But of course, I can’t stop here because I’m a fucking train wreck.

  “Yeah, well it didn’t stop you from fucking Walker Stevens.”

  Carly’s eyes flash, and I think she might slap me.

  “He was my fiancé,” she growls, “and you don’t know anything!”

  She turns and starts to walk away, and then rushes back to me, her face flushed with anger.

  “And you want to know about me?” she hisses. “Here’s another tidbit. I left my whole life behind in Nashville because I walked in on Walker fucking that tart Willow Green! I’d rather leave my successful career than sit around and be cheated on and humiliated! So, if I didn’t put up with my fiancé’s shit, I’m most certainly not going to put up with yours!”

  She walks away this time, and all I can do is stare after her.

  My mind is reeling from what she just said. I can’t believe that she actually shared that personal information with me, and I actually feel even more of an asshole for her admission.

  Forgetting about my cigarette, I stumble back to the band, and sit down on a chair.

  “Hey, bro. Everything alright?” Maddox asks.

  I nod and stare off at the wall. So, Carly’s fiancé was fucking Willow Green behind her back? No wonder Carly had issues. I don’t get the whole monogamy thing, but I’m sure that shit sucked.

  “I guess Carly told you to stick it?” Jacie gloats, standing in front of me.

  “I deserved it.”

  Jacie looks at me and shakes her head.

  After that, the night is uneventful and I go home alone. I had thought about calling one of my booty girls, I had a few in my phone who always make themselves available to me, but I wasn’t in the mood anymore.

  All I could think about was Carly.

  The way she told me off, and the way her bright blue eyes flashed with anger at me. I don’t know if I had ever felt more turned on. Or embarrassed. She called me out and she was right.

  I had never worked hard for a girl before; in fact I had never worked to get a girl ever. I was the lead singer of Cobalt, girls came to me. I knew I had a bad reputation, and let’s be honest.

  I deserved it.

  I treated women like trash. I used them and disposed of them without a single thought. It was only a matter of time before I got myself into trouble, like I probably had with Skyler.

  I was starting to feel like I needed to do right by Skyler if it turned out to be my kid, and I didn’t like this conscience of mine that was suddenly forming. I knew it had to do with Carly, and I couldn’t understand how one woman, who I hardly knew, could have such an effect on me.

  I needed to apologize to Carly. I didn’t have to be an asshole all the time. I could prove that to her. And I had to admit to myself, that I liked the challenge she posed. She wasn’t the kind of girl I went after, besides the fact that she was hot. She was more than just a pretty face and a killer body.

  I spent the rest of the night tossing and turning in bed, figuring out how I could show Carly that I wasn’t a douche bag.


  The next morning I called Mark, who put me in touch with Jake Ryder at the record label. At first, Jake didn’t want to comply with my request, but he finally gave in and gave me the name and number of the person I wanted to speak to.

  Carly’s roommate, Quinn, was as warm towards me as a block of ice, but she grudgingly answered my questions. I didn’t blame her for not trusting me. I’m sure Carly had told her about my dipshit comments the night before.

  Once I had all the information I needed, I got dressed and left my condo. I made stops at all the places that Quinn shared, and then made the short journey to Quinn’s apartment. I had no idea that Carly and I were living so close to each other.

  It gave me a thrill of pleasure.

  I find the correct apartment and taking a deep breath, I knock on the door.

  Carly pulls the door open and stares at me blankly.

  “What are you doing here?”

  I give her a sheepish grin. “Apologizing.”

  She looks over my bags, and the two big smoothies in my hand.

  “Jamba Juice?” she asks stupidly.

  “Strawberry Smurf Rider.”

  She blinks. “That’s my favorite.”

  “I know.” I hand her the smoothie and she takes it. “May I come in?”

  She takes a sip of the smoothie, and nods. She pulls the door open and I walk in. The apartment is tiny, and I carry the food directly into the living room and put it down on the coffee table.

  “Leo, I really don’t understand what is going on here.” She says, setting out two coasters and putting her smoothie down. Carly’s hair is pulled on top of her head, and her face is fresh without makeup. She’s wearing itty-bitty mesh shorts with a flimsy purple camisole. I focus hard on what I want to say and not on what is happening in my pants at the moment.

  “Look. I was a complete ass last night. I never should have made that blue balls comment, and I had no business bringing up your ex-fiancé. You’re right, I don’t know anything about you, but I’d like to learn more about you. I had a really shitty day yesterday, but I know that doesn’t excuse my behavior.”

  Carly looks at the food I’ve laid out on the table. There’s one filled with tacos and chips and guacamole from Tortilla Flats, and a small box of cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery. Quinn assured me that these were Carly’s favorite nearby eats.

  “So, you went and got all my favorite food?” she questions, giving me a quizzical look.

  I run my hand through my hair. “Well, first I had to call Mark who put me in touch with Jake Ryder. And then I had to cajole him into giving me your friend Quinn’s phone number. And once I reached her, I had to convince her to tell me your favorite food places so I could do this.”

  “You spoke to Quinn?” she asks incredulously.

  I nod, and Carly lets out a snort.

  “I bet that went over well.”

  I give her a wry grin. “She was a delight.”

  “Oh, I’m sure she was.”

  Carly opens up the bag from Tortilla Flats and looks up at me and grins. “My favorite.”

  I nod and sit down on the couch, watching her.

  She pulls out a taco and offers me one. I take it, and slowly unwrap it. Carly lowers herself to the ground, leaning her back up against the couch. She takes a bite of her taco, and closes her eyes to savor the taste.

  She opens her bright eyes and looks sideways at me. “You know it’s going to take more than some delicious food to make things better.”

  “Yeah, I figured. But I thought this was a start.” Carly was going to make me work for it.

  “It’s a start.”

  We eat in silence for a few minutes.

  “So why was your day so crappy yesterday?”

  I’m not sure if I want to go into the whole Skyler story yet. I don’t want to scare Carly away, and I’m new at this whole working-for-a-girl thing.

  I rub the stubble on my chin and look over at Carly, waiting expectantly. “I got involved with one of our backup singers and it ended badly.”

  Carly nods knowingly. “The one who I replaced?”


  Carly gives me a smirk. “Am I going to follow in her footsteps? Is this how you begin to woo your backup singers?” I can tell she’s teasing, but I know there’s some honesty there, too.

  Shit. Carly thinks I do this regularly. I don’t want to admit the truth, which is that I normally just fuck the girls I like.

  “I don’t have the greatest past,” I admit, “I’m not using to doing any wooing at all.”

  Carly opens the guacamole and dips a chip. “So you usually just bed girls right away? You don’t have to go through all this trouble?”

  She hit the nail on the head for fuck’s sake.

  I nod, embarrassed.

  Embarrassment is a new feeling for me. I don’t like it.

  Carly bursts out laughing. “I was only half-joking!”

  “Yeah, well I told you I don’t have a great past. So, yes, I usually just sleep with girls. I don’t really do the dating thing.”

  “And you want to date me?”

  Christ, I’m uncomfortable.

  “I don’t date.”

  Carly puts the chips down and stares at me head-on.

  “So, what is it that you want Leo? I really don’t understand what’s going on here.”

  Seeing Carly like that, on the ground kneeling before me, is more than I can take.

  “Christ, can you sit on the couch or something,” I say, putting my hand over my eyes and looking away.


  “You’re dressed in these skimpy little clothes, kneeling almost between my legs. I’m a guy for Christ’s sake! I’m trying to talk to you but you’re making it very difficult!”

  “Oh! Gosh! I’m sorry!”

  She scrambles up and I look over to see her blush. It’s sexy as hell, which doesn’t help my situation. My cock is hard between my legs, and each thought of Carly only makes it throb harder.

  “Should I cover up?” she teases.

  “No, you’re fine.”

  She waits for me to answer her earlier question and I take a deep breath.

  “I want you, Carly, I’m not going to lie. You’re gorgeous as hell, and I can’t stop thinking about you. I know you’re not like the girls I’m used to, and I dig that about you. But I’m trying to feel my way through this because I’ve never had to work for a girl. So I’m trying to do it right. That is, if you’re interested.”